I’m Tired

So, I’m halfway through my Month-O-Music© and am looking forward to a quieter November. Let me explain.

For some reason, the month of October presented to me many opportunities for musical endeavors and I decided to say yes to all of them. So, in addition to my regular duties as drummer for the Atlanta rock band, Luigi, I also participated in the following:

1) Magnapop. The Atlanta-based band that was big back in the 90’s asked me if I would play drums for 2 reunion shows in October, one in Atlanta and one in Athens. I said yes and proceeded to learn 15 songs from their repertoire with Shannon, the bass player and Linda, the singer. The guitarist, Ruthie, lives in Seattle and flew in the week of the shows for some last minute practice. So, after listening to a CD non-stop for weeks and practicing with an imagined guitarist, Ruthie finally flew in last Wednesday and we proceeded to tighten everything up for the shows. We then played a show on Saturday, October 19th at the Echo Lounge in Atlanta, and then a show at the 40 Watt club in Athens on Monday, the 21st. It was a fun, whirlwindy kinda thing and the rock was prominent. All in all, a good time.

2) Pixies. October is also the month where I do Album #2 in the Fletcher Classic Album series: The Pixies’ Doolittle Album (this was the first one). This time around, we have my sister playing the Bass and singing the Kim Deal parts, Brandon is playing guitar a la Joey Santiago and once again a member is flying in from Seattle to round out the sound: Jeff Barnes will be doing the Black Francis schtick. Jeff has a Pixies cover band out in Seattle and is an old friend. So, we’ve been practicing with an imagined rythm guitar and lead vocals for about a month now. Jeff flies in on Wednesday morning, we practice that evening, and then play three shows. Atlanta, Columbia, SC and Athens. All in a row and all very Halloween and festive like. It should be a good time.

My fellow bandmates and most importantly, my wife, have all been very understanding and accomodating of my Month-O-Music© schedule and it’s been a hell of a lot of fun. But, like I said, I’m looking forward to a slightly less haggard November.

One thought on “I’m Tired”

  1. these non-presidential elections are always so annoying with their commercials and posters everywhere, but you know, these are the important ones. these will affect our life more than George or Al ever would (knock on wood).
    you have a pretty site.

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