Random Grammyness

I don’t know why, but I watched (most of) the Grammys last night. Now, I think the Grammys have about as much to do with music as Limp Bizkit, but I did find a few things that made me happy in last night’s broadcast.

  • The Flaming Lips won a grammy. Yeah! The wife brought up a good point about the Lips last night as we were watching a TiVo’d performance of them performing on David Letterman: “whatever Wayne does just makes me smile.” True. That guy is just infectious with his positive vibe. Or, as he put it in Five Stop Mother Superior Rain: “And all my smiles are gettin’ in the hate generation’s way”.
  • Bruce Springsteen, Dave Grohl, Elvis Costello and Little Steven performing the Clash’s London Calling. I know, it sounds terrible, but they did a pretty good job.
  • Eminem’s performance. This actually got some props from the wife as well.

The rest of the Grammys sucked as usual.

This Sucks

I don’t want to seem like Chicken Little, but I’m definitely not liking all the shit that’s going on around the world. It’s seriously freaking me out. I feel like a huge terrorist attack is imminent, we are about to ignite a powder keg in the Middle East and apparently N. Korea has a nuclear missile pointed at LA right now.

I am constantly vacillating between barely controlled panic and a shrug of, “oh well, there’s nothing I can really do, so quit worrying and enjoy this re-run of the Simpsons.” Speaking of TV, being a fan of the show 24 is probably not helping my mental state at the moment, either.

I just can’t help feeling like we are entering an elaborate end game of the United States as a super power. There are so many scenarios where the US could seriously go down in flames here. And I really don’t care about our government’s dominance in the world and think that our government IS way too arrogant. It’s just that the immediate effects will be devastating in loss of life and will probably negatively affect my life for some time to come and that is not exciting to me.

So, with that said, I’m going to link to this anti-war in Iraq link: I don’t think the US should go to war with Iraq right now.

I’m sorry, but I just don’t see a good reason to do that.

Time Shift

So, I was just looking at the time stamps on all of my posts and realized that my computer’s clock is screwed up. I’m not nearly the night owl those time stamps make me out to be. Everything should be fixed now, so you can quit worrying.

Also, I added a link to sign up for my band Luigi’s mailing list over there on the right nav of this site. Go there now and sign yourself up. We’re playing on Valentine’s Day at 10 High in Atlanta.

Nuclear War

If you’re like me and listen to NPR on the drive home from work, you probably heard the piece about anti-war songs yesterday (sorry, it’s in crappy realaudio format). I really liked Yo La Tengo’s version of the Sun Ra song, Nuclear War. Something about the children’s chorus singing along to phrases such as “It’s a motherfucker” and “You gonna lose your ass” makes it simultaneously funny, eerie and poignant. I can’t think of a better anti-war song.

If you don’t believe me, listen for yourself.

Come Again?

Here’s some advice that may come in handy to you some day:

If you ever find yourself with a client named Becky Adler and an accountant named Heidi Becker, don’t try to leave a voice mail to one as you write an e-mail to the other. There is no way you’re not going to screw up one of those names.

Becky Ardler
Heidi Becky
Becki Heidler
Adelaide Stevenson

Trust me. Send the e-mail, clear your head and THEN call Heidi.

p.s. As I wrote this entry, I screwed it up again. See? I told you it was impossible not to screw that up!