
The cat got jealous of the dogs being featured on themuy, so here’s a photo of our cat, nutkin:


Posting cat pictures to your blog. That’s pretty damn pathetic, tim. Will somebody please shoot me?

Luigi Web Site

I started work this week on the new Luigi web site. Right now it’s just a “coming soon” page, but it will be bursting with content soon. Be sure to bookmark that muther.

In other Luigi news, we have a show this Friday, May 23rd at the EARL in lovely East Atlanta. The opening bands are The Liverhearts and Parade. Come on out, it should be a good time.


All the headlines today are saying something to the effect of “New blasts disrupt/stop/destroy the peace process.”

So, let me get this straight: the fact that there are new terrorist attacks in Israel somehow change the fact that there needs to be discussions on how to stop all the terrorist attacks?

I know I’m over-simplifying, but doesn’t that strike anyone else as odd? I think that no matter what these idiotic terrorists (Palestinian and Israeli alike) do, there needs to be a discussion about coming up with a peace plan against all odds. The fact that there are new attacks should not change that process at all. In fact, it should accelerate it before there is more senseless killing.

Charlie and Sage

We finally got a digital camera yesterday. I’m very happy with it so far. It’s a Canon Powershot S400. I’m taking it to Europe, so expect a lot of pictures soon. For starters, here’s our two dogs, Charlie Ravioli and Sage. Sage is the one with the ears that are defying gravity.


Pretend Rock Star

Well, it’s about time to get those sunglasses ready for the plane ride, as I’m hoppin’ on a jet plane tomorrow and heading out to Amsterdam to be a rock star for 2 weeks. I’m playing drums for the band Magnapop on their 2 week tour of Holland. I’ve always wanted to be able to play Europe and now’s my chance, thanks to the fine people in Magnapop. Another cool thing about the trip is that my wife will be joining us for the last week. It will be her first trip to Amsterdam and my second. It’s gonna be damn cool.

I’ll try and do some posting from Europe, but in case I don’t, you can track my progress from the itinerary below.

Date City Venue Notes
th 24 apr: Nijmegen Doornroosje (caesar + magnapop)
fr 25 apr: Sneek Bolwerk (caesar + magnapop)
sa 26 apr: Amsterdam Melkweg (caesar + magnapop)
mo 28 apr: Hassel M.O.D. (caesar + magnapop)
tu 29 apr: Tilburg 013 Batcave (magnapop)
we 30 apr: Katwijk aan Zee De Schuit (magnapop)
th 01 mei: Eindhoven Effenaar (caesar + magnapop)
fr 02 mei: Breda Mezz (caesar + magnapop)
sa 03 mei: Apeldoorn Gigant (caesar + magnapop)
su 04 mei: Opwijk Nijdrop (caesar + magnapop)
mo 05 mei: Rotterdam Bevrijdingsfestival (magnapop)



So, I was having a discussion with my (male) friend, Ashley, yesterday. We were boasting about our respective Azalea bushes.

Me: My Azalea bush kicks your ass! It’s a fuckin’ 20 year old beast. There is no way you have better Azaleas.
Ashley: We’ll just see about that. I’ve got 5 in my yard that just kick total ass!
Me: No way, man. You’re dreaming. I’ve got you beat.
Ashley: My Azaleas are so kick ass, I’ve got 15 women outside my house, protesting.

Nice Try

I was driving through beautiful Cabbage Town this weekend and was behind this old, beat up Chrysler. As the car turned a corner in front of me, the passenger tried to throw a paper plate out of the moving car’s window into a dumpster about 20 feet away.

Needless to say, the paper plate didn’t make it, but you have to admire that guy’s faith in his throwing arm.