Yes, as a matter of fact, I am happy. Thanks for asking.
Author: tim
Recent Observations
Apparently, from what people around me say, there are at least two things that I do a lot:
- Stick my finger in my ear.
- Take a very audible breath before speaking on the telephone.
This has been an announcement of Tim’s annoying ticks. That is all.
Sticker Shock
I’m trying to figure out if $87 Billion is a lot of money. My gut instinct says yes.
God I hope this bastard goes down hard in 2004.
Hey, Dems, you’ve got your rallying cry. Now DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
The List
Here’s where you can learn more about the US soldiers killed every day in Iraq: The List.
Or, if seeing the actual faces of those killed makes you a little uncomfortable, you can view an alphabetical list.
The lists are sponsored by the Army National Guard. No, I’m serious.
Hummer: The Truck for Jerks
Here’s a nice analysis of that annoying new Hummer H2 commercial:
Fun With Search Terms
While not as hysterical (or frankly, pornographic) as Scotty’s, here are some recent search terms that led people to themuy (my comments in parentheses). The last one is my favorite.
- condiment war
- charlie ravioli
- the dude abides
- attacks women ambergris caye resort (wtf?)
- life savers commercial song
- never mess with a sicilian when death is on the line.
- jeff mangum
- bardeen s or vow or sporadic or hippy or perfected (my new mantra)
- milosevic picture
- richard mulligan (all hail Bert from Soap)
- john hancock sucks
- pictures of your pussy (well, okay, that one’s pornographic)
- yours is a very bad hotel letter
- ashcroft sings
- weird drummers
Phil, You’re Fired
How would you like to a) have Phil Spector produce your band and b) fire Phil Spector from producing your band?
Starsailor’s James Stelfox got the lucky job:
“I shot two straight brandies and just said, ‘Phil, it has been great working with you,'” he says. “‘But we feel we need to carry on.'” Spector seemed “slightly stunned” at first. “He said, ‘I understand. This is your baby. It’s your dream. Go realise it.'” The next time they met, he “wasn’t very amicable”.
The Funny
I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time:
Flip Flop Funny
Do you think that the people who send spam look at the spam in their own inboxes and exclaim, “Nice work, comrade!”?
From Craig Robinson’s highly creative Flip Flop Flyin’ site.
Is this really the world I live in?
I know this doesn’t prove a damn thing, but it’s chilling nonetheless:
From The Guardian:
LATEST: Dr David Kelly told a fellow weapons official that he would probably be ‘found dead in the woods’ if Britain went to war with Iraq, the Hutton inquiry heard today. More details soon …