» Neutral Milk Hotel Leader Makes Rare Appearance
» Jeff Mangum sighting
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yeah, right!
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Okay, it’s been a few days and I think I’ve calmed down enough to talk about this rationally now. So, here it goes.
Do you watch Six Feet Under? Well, did you see this week’s episode? One word: wow. What a major development. I can’t believe the writer’s had the balls to do something this extreme. The wife and I felt like we were punched in the gut. We just couldn’t believe it.
It’s going to be interesting to see how they resolve everything in the end. Of course, Mrs. Fisher doesn’t even know yet because she was out camping with Hiram, so they’ll have to spend a good deal of next week’s episode with that plot line. I hope she doesn’t freak out too much. And then there’s David. Poor guy. He’s going to be crushed for sure.
Well, I don’t want to spoil it for you if you haven’t seen it yet, so don’t read any further if that’s the case.
Claire is dating a republican.
I know, I know, I couldn’t belive it either. What the hell are those writers smoking?
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» 100,000 bouncing balls released on a San Fancisco street Apparently this was done for a Sony commercial.
» The Kegbot project
» Rick Rubin is pulling a Johnny Cash on Neil Diamond Interesting. Hot August Night was pretty much the soundtrack to my parent’s house when I was growing up.
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» The new Big Star album comes out on Sept. 27
» The Best Band in the World Baseball League (BBITW) "Modest Mouse are a decent club, but they really only have one ace starting pitcher (a southpaw named Jesus de la Floaton)"
» McSweeney’s: You Might Be a Redneck If…
I was in Criminal Records a few months ago talking to Fran from The Tom Collins and Shannon from International Hits. We were all shootin’-the-shit about musical things we’ve been up to, shows, cool albums that just came out, new recordings we’re working on with our respective bands, etc. You know, talking about cool things because we are cool guys—musicians, local scenesters, whatnot.
As I was leaving the record store, I held the door open for these two guys who were walking in. As they passed me, one of them said, “thanks, sir.”
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» Spammer beaten to death Re! Move! Me! From! Your! List!
The wife and I went down to Florida recently for 4th of July festivities at my parent’s house. While we were there, we took in a day of outlet store shopping and found some good deals. For lunch, we stopped at a chain sandwich shop in one of those outdoor malls that you see popping up everywhere these days. We were finishing up our meal when I grabbed my wife’s tray to go empty it in the trash. She snatched her unopened bag of potato chips off the tray and said, “don’t throw this away, it’s a perfectly good bag of chips.” I remember thinking that there’s no way either of us will eat those chips.
I just opened up the lunch that my wife made for me last night. It consists of: a turkey sandwich, strawberry yogurt, m&m’s and that bag of chips from Florida.
Nice work, honey. Waste not want not.
So, I’m reading this Dinosaur Jr. interview over at the Onion’s AV club. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but they talk about Lou and J’s problems with each other in excruciating detail. At this point, my grandmother knows that J and Lou have “issues”. Did you hear about when J told Lou the band was breaking up, but had really secretly booked an Australian tour with a new bass player? Yeah I know, grandma. Can we talk about something else, like when the next My Bloody Valentine record might come out?
So, anyway, I’m reading happily along (and picturing J and Lou reclining on couches as the shrink/interviewer probes into their issues like some kind of marriage counselor to the indie rock stars) when I come across this nugget:
Lou Barlow: There’s a lot made that we hated each other while the band was going on, and it wasn’t really that—it’s just that we didn’t communicate. We had, like, zero chemistry as people. J’s someone that, if you get him going and talking and feeling comfortable, he can be really articulate and easy to talk to. But you have to do the work. And when I was in the band with him—actually, from the first time that I met him—I held him in really high esteem, because I thought he was really talented and well-dressed and he was like the coolest guy I’d ever met.
Did you catch that? Well-dressed? Everyone agrees that J Mascis is one hell of a guitar player and a very talented songwriter, but well-dressed? Honestly, that thought has never crossed my mind. Let me give you a visual:
Enough said.
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» U.S. Set to Expand Daylight-Saving Time If passed, we won’t have to set our clocks back until November 27.
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» Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. buys MySpace for $580 million. Can I get an OMFG?