This is my favorite clip from Fearless Freaks. It’s also especially poignant to me today because of the robbery and fatal shooting at a bar near my house last night. So sad.
Author: tim
Lykke Li & Bon Iver – ‘Dance Dance Dance’
I like this:
Lykke Li & Bon Iver doing ‘Dance Dance Dance’ in L.A from Lykke Li on Vimeo.
Happy New Year
Here’s to a great 2009.
Yes We Did
So very happy.
I’ve just come up with a sure-fire method to choose a qualified candidate for POTUS. Its beauty is in its simplicity. The candidate simply needs to correctly pronounce both of the following words:
- Washington
- Nuclear
There may be other reasons not to elect someone, but if the above rule is not met, it’s probably best to just disqualify the candidate outright. I hope this method helps you. Happy electing!
Indie Rockers for President
If I were running for President of the United States and The Strokes were my opponents, my attack ads would definitely paint them as elitists. I mean, come on, Upper West Side indie rockers with rich parents? The ads would write themselves.
Also, I think I’d add Sufjan Stevens to my ticket to get the evangelical vote. Another brilliant move from my campaign.
Wiretap Follies
Joshua Green Allen‘s new site, Wiretap Follies, just launched and it’s already my favorite thing evars. Check out this post right after you carefully swallow your beverage as to protect your monitor: Uterus Polio. Links
» Tarantino’s Mind One man’s theory that Quentin Tarantino’s films are just one long film divided up into various acts.
Reason #478,345 Why I Love My Wife
I was showing the wife how to use Facebook tonight. She had a LOT of fun for about an hour, clicking around looking at people’s profiles, even instant messaging with a friend of ours.
I guess the Facebook honeymoon is over. She just walked up to me, handed my laptop back, and said, “this is a giant waste of my time.”
I love you, sweetie. Links
» The Apiary: Drunk History Vol. 3 So funny.