Returning the Favor

Since I finally received my gmail invite after pathetically begging for it, I guess it’s time to return the favor.

I’ve got ONE gmail invite to give away to a deserving recepient. What makes you deserving? Beats me. Just let me know why you need a gmail account in the comments to this entry and I’ll decide whether or not your worthy.

Ready, set, go!

4 thoughts on “Returning the Favor”

  1. I am just a plain user. No flags in my hat to stand out from the rest of my crowd. We are all the sammmmmmmmmme!

    thanks for considering me, though!


  2. well.. If I get a gmail invite.. I’ll return the favor by giving you a gmail invite when I get my free invites.. or better I’ll give you two invites…

    you can trust me..


  3. wow… quite surprising that this blog hasn’t been flooded with “gimme gimme gimme”. Ah well, I guess people still do want to experience the novelty of this gmail frenzy that bad.

    Well, why am I a deserving candidate? Well, I too like you have scoured hundreds (if not a thousand) blogs and forums in search of a generous soul who would give a fellow cyber citizen a hand.

    I’m a computer engineer and I work as an ASP.NET developer. If there’s anything you need help with (related or unrelated to programming or computer engineering), you could ask me through email.

    Thanks for considering.

    ~ Sarwar

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