Yesterday I got a package from the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons). They want me to join. I’m thinking about going for it. It will be cool to get all those discounts and whatnot.
Category: General
All I gotta say is,
All I gotta say is, They Fight Crime!
If you have never been
If you have never been to Mister Pants then you are truly missing out. Here is a little taste of what you are missing (in Mr. Pants’ own words):
“In the current lingo, Mister Pants “cooks.” And there are a thousand-million ingredients that go into the recipe that is his unique, dynamic, winning personality. First of all, his voice: rich, earthy, masculine to the core and then some. But there’s so much more than that…an earnestness about him that’s all too rare these days, and a way with words (notice how he chooses words that either drift by dreamily or explode in your face to get the mood just right–that’s talent!).”
Señor Pantalones also sends out a Pantsmail newsletter that you have to sign up for. Go here to read a sample. If you like what you read, go sign up.
What’s the deal with that
What’s the deal with that car flash animation at the top of this page? What was I thinking?
I knew it was just
I knew it was just a matter of time before the world (or at least the US) turned into one giant B movie. Hey, check it out! Sludge!
Breakfast in cemetery Boy
Breakfast in cemetery
Boy tastin wild cherry
Touch girl, apple blossom
Just a boy playin possum
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
What is that cheerful sound?
Rain fallin on the ground
We’ll wear a jolly crown
Buckle up, we’re wayward bound
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
Motorbike to cemetery
Picnic on wild berries
French toast with molasses
Croquet and Baked Alaskans
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
We’ll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
Cover me with rain
Walk me down the lane
I’ll drink from your drain
We will never change
No matter what they say
–Indian Summer (Beat Happening)
Have you ever been on
Have you ever been on Napster, looked at someone’s mp3 collection and just wondered what is up with his or her taste in music? Numerous times I have looked at someone’s list and seen stuff like Pavement, Flaming Lips, Archers of Loaf, Stereolab, Built to Spill, etc. and thought, “this person has pretty good stuff.” I then scroll down the list and see something like an entire live show of Seven Mary Three or some bullshit like that. What gives? I mean I consider my taste in music broad, but how does crap seep into someone’s collection like that? It really makes me wonder how these people discern what is good or not.
I think it is an age thing. For people who are younger than me, Stone Temple Pilots and Bush were once huge and these people probably got sucked into the whole frenzy with the rest of the impressionable youth of the time and ended up being fans.
Now, I am not a music elitist. I honestly feel that whatever music you listen to, be it Mariah Carey, or Queens of the Stone Age, if it makes you happy that is all that is important. But looking at all these lists on Napster it just seems so random. Part of me is jealous. These people get to have more options of music that makes them happy. I have a broad taste in music, yet I can also spot insincere, disposable crap 5 miles away. There is no way you can convince me that Creed is making timeless music. I just don’t get it.
Okay, send those hate letters here.
Go here and find out
Go here and find out what type of person you are:’s Famous Personality Test. I’m not quite sure what Sprite© has to do with this site, but the test was kinda cool.
many guinness = hangover boy.
many guinness = hangover boy.
many $2 guinness = happy hangover boy.
happy hangover boy = me.
Okay, you got me. I
Okay, you got me. I don’t usually like little, yappy dogs, but this could be the cutest dog in the world. Mr. Winkle!. Make sure you watch the video.