Anyone who knows Tim knows he loves him the Camper Van Beethoven. Well, this makes Tim happy:

Camper Van Beethoven Rocks On

I saw “Camper” at a reunion show at the 40 Watt in Athens, GA about a year ago and frankly it wasn’t that great. They played alot of Cracker songs and only played a sprinkling of CVB “hits”. Here’s hoping this new outing will be better. The good news is the awful (Cracker guitarist) Johnny Hickman will not be there (I hope).

Oh yeah, and this appearance is celebrating the Camper release (recorded back in their heyday) covering the Fleetwood Mac album, Tusk, in its entirety(!).

Finally some good news to start off my weekend.

Not much blogging lately

Not much blogging lately. I offer my humble apologies to my legions of fans that tune in every day for a morsel of truth from sir Tim. I’ve been busy with the vacation (fun) and subsequent re-acclimatization to work life (not fun). As I’ve been hinting at for almost a year now, a re-design of themuy is brewing, so keep your eyes on that monitor.

Over and out.

This is what is cool

This is what is cool about reading weblogs. I know nothing about Pim Fortuyn. Well, now I know alot more about him by reading former MTV VJ Adam Curry’s weblog. What’s most disturbing is that it appears that the mainstream media has been distorting the truth (I know, nothing new) about Fortuyn. Here, read for yourelf: The Big Lie.

Rock on, Adam Curry!

Do you like the rock?

Last Saturday was easily the most fun I’ve ever had on stage. In case you haven’t been tuning in, I assembled a 12-piece band to play the Rolling Stones’ Exile on Main Street album at a local club in Atlanta.

Everything worked out perfectly. The club sold out, the crowd was way appreciative and the band kicked ass. All in all it was an amazing time.

Now that I’m not crazy busy organizing this project anymore, I’ll have more time to devote to a much needed redesign of the muy. Around that time I hope to have some stills and video from the show. Stay tuned.