I submit, for your enjoyment, two completeley different takes on the Rolling Stones’ current tour:
You have to register for the NYTimes if you want to see Exhibit B, but it sure is worth it.
yeah, right!
Lately I’ve been writing just enough to insure that I have at least a couple of posts on themuy’s front page. That is not enough. You, dear reader, demand more from Tim. For my slackness, I apologize. I vow to do better in the future.
So, the anniversary is coming up. You know which one I’m talking about. It’s hard to believe that it was almost a year ago that it happened. So much has changed. I feel like such a different person—so much wiser, a little older, more mature. In a way, my entire world has changed because of that one event.
Yes, it’s true, my one year wedding anniversary is quickly approaching.
So, it’s paper, right? What the hell kind of present is paper? Here ya go, honey. Like it? It’s a Long John Silvers paper pirate hat! You look good in that hat. You really do. What’s this? My present? Oh, you shouldn’t have. It’s perfect, though. You know I’ve been needing one of these. I can’t believe you remembered! Now I can wipe my face with this lovely paper napkin. I love you, darling.
Seriously, if any one has some good suggestions for a paper present, I would appreciate it. Just add a comment below.
I think it’s my duty to inform as many people as I can about this:
“Thank you for financing global terror” stickers
I think it’s a brilliant idea and you should buy some for your friends and family this Christmas.
I’m back to using the personal pronoun. It feels good to be back in the personal pronoun saddle, or PPS, as I call it.
Well, I’m in DC for the Adaptive Path Conference. So far, so good. I’ve been hanging out with some friends and seeing the sites. Tried to go to the Spy Museum yesterday, but it was too long a wait. Went to see the National Art Gallery instead. Saw the usual suspects: Degas, Monet, Rembrandt. Good stuff. Art = Good.
That is all. Just a stupid update. As you can see from above, I’m tired of using the personal pronoun. Oh. Well.
Oh yeah, the conference is good. As Frank Black screamed on an album: “I’m learning!.”
If this doesn’t confirm for you that car salesmen are evil people, I don’t know what will.
What’s amazing to me is that, after reading this story, I’m pretty sure the men still have their jobs.
Pure evil.
I stumbled across a link to this site while on the Flaming Lips site:
You gotta check out the “Cheap Things” section, which has this great Cheap ABC part. My favorite is the letter S:
S is for sand castle
Like real castles
Except not as structurally sound
And built by children
Not master craftsmen
But, then the piece de resistance has to be: funfunfun
Just got back from seeing Paul Westerberg. A couple of immediate thoughts:
Further evidence of my decline into oldness:
I bought an issue of “Money” today.
So, Bob Barr accidentally fired a handgun at a reception in his honor.
Way to go, Bob. I’m sure the National Rifle Association will appreciate this. Especially since you are one of their board members. Also, the man opposing Barr in the 7th Congressional District of GA race, John Linder, said (apparently unironically) of the incident: “The guy’s a loose cannon.”
mmmmm, politics.
I love this story:
Artscape piece pictured Jesus as beer pitchman.
Here’s the offending billboard: View image