» Silver Jews’ David Berman Talks Lookout, Outlook I see someone like Devendra Banhart, and to me it’s fascinating that he’s able to create a context in which the scene in Animal House where the folk singer’s bashed over the head with a guitar never happened.
Author: tim
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» 50 Most Loathsome People of 2007 Good read, especially number 9.
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» Straight Dope Message Board – I waterboard! Guy waterboards himself to see if it qualifies as torture. Spoiler alert, it is torture.
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» StSanders First class shredder.
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» TEQUILA Yay, music!
» The Golden Suicides: vanityfair.com Just a crazy story.
There Was a Time
I submit to you evidence that in the mid to late 90’s indie rockers roamed the land and played for beer money in dive bars in college towns. Some of the music they created was brilliant, poetic, sloppy and wonderful. The Archers of Loaf were one such band.
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» YouTube – How It All Ends I love how all of the commenters argue over individual events/theories, entirely missing the point of the video and thus proving the guy’s argument.
When Jack and Nora get older, I’m totally going to make them do this.
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Happy Birthday, Tom!
Tom Waits is 58 years old today.