Unique Thanksgiving

In a bizarre turn of events, the wife and I are getting ready to head out to Los Angeles (L.A., la la land, the left coast, land of a thousand, oh, whatever, you get it) tomorrow for one of the most unique Thanksgiving celebrations ever. We’re meeting parents of Tim and sister of Tim to have Thanksgiving dinner with, who many people consider to be, indie rock royalty.

We’re staying at the Roosevelt hotel (and hopefully in this room) for about 5 days and are going to soak up the sun and breathe in the smog for what will be Tim’s second visit to L.A. My first visit left a bad taste in my mouth (i’m looking at you, smog), so let’s hope this one will reveal the charms of this fair city and erase my memories of L.A. being one giant, crowded, dirty strip mall.

Why are we celebrating this holiday with said royalty? Well, in what is even a bizarrer (word?) case and happened to be the crescendo of the craziest year ever for sister of Tim, sister of Tim now works for Mrs. Hersh and family and is a full-time resident of the city of angels.

I think it’s safe to say this is going to be the most unique Thanksgiving ever for Tim. I hope you have a happy and safe holiday as well.

Health Snob

Ever since I quit smoking (about 5 years ago), I’ve been trying to resist becoming one of those health snobs. You know, the people who love to tell you how unhealthy whatever it is you’re doing is for you.

Case in point: my dad. He is militantly anti-smoking. No, I don’t think you understand. Militant. He just loves to pontificate about the evils of cancer sticks. He cuts out newspaper articles on the dangers of smoking just so HE can look at them later. Any poor sucker who innocently lights up in the presence of my dad will be met with endless barbs and jabs at how stupid he/she is for having that “filthy habit.” He’s relentless.

His dad died of lung cancer, so I understand my dad’s passion. But, jeez, give it a rest. If someone wants to kill themselves slowly with the sweet, smooth flavor of glorious tobacco (Hey, it was only 5 years ago. I still get the cravings.), than let them.

I was in such fear of his anti-smoking wrath that I never could muster the courage to tell him that I was one of the nicotine addicted schmucks. For eight years I had to constantly scan for incriminating evidence lying around my car or apartment: errant packs, lighters, matches or the dreaded smoky coat. A box of Altoids was my constant companion. It was an endless source of amusement for my friends. They thought I was such a wimp. “You don’t understand, guys, he’d KILL me!”

Of course, the downside of not telling dad that I smoked (and really, this is probably the only downside, I still think he would have killed me) is that I didn’t get to tell him when I quit! I lost out on the congratulatory high fives, the beaming look in his eyes when he learned that I, his son, kicked one of the hardest habits to kick. I have daydreams where I tell him I used to smoke just to get the accolades for quitting, but think better of it when I realize he’ll probably kick my ass to the floor anyway. Like I said, militant.

Back to the health snob thing. Because of my dad, I know that I have the health snob gene. Everyone knows that the HS gene is passed down paternally. So, like I said, I’ve been looking for it to rear its ugly, smug face. It has bubbled up a few times, mostly as my wife tries to quit smoking. She’s doing really well, but I can’t resist giving her a hard time when she bums one in public.

Ever since I quit, I’ve been running fairly consistently. About 3 miles, 2 or 3 days a week. Recently I’ve dropped off a little, but my membership to the YMCA should kick my ass back in gear.

Anyway, as most runners do, I have a usual route that I take. It is on this route that you will see me huffing it, with my 2 dogs in tow. It’s a pretty funny sight, two smiling dogs pulling a slightly grumpier me down the road, happy as clams to be with their dad outside on a sunny day.

It is on this route that I pass the same house every day. And outside of this house is the same woman. Probably around 50 years old and perennially sucking on a cig. I run different times of the day and sometimes not for a week, but every single time I pass that house I see this woman. Every damn time. Sitting by herself on a stoop smoking a cigarette. She must go out there every 10 minutes of every day. It looks so lonely and sad. It is the picture of addiction.

I don’t think I’m being snobby when I say I’m glad that’s not me, because it very well could have been. Like I said before, it’s her choice and I’m sure she really enjoys her 30-40 daily cigarettes. But, as I pass her on her little stoop, I can’t help but get an added spring in my step and a stronger resolve never to start smoking cigarettes again.

Bush Makes Me Mad

As I read an article today about how George Bush won’t speak at the British Parliament because he’s afraid of hecklers, I got mad. As I was reading it, I had to keep reminding myself, “don’t post this to your blog, don’t post this to your blog.”

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that posting political rants on your blog, while allowing a healthy release of pent up emotion, really do no good in the grand scheme of things. They also make you look like a whining baby.

If you’re so mad, why don’t you do something about it? Posting the idea that “Bush sucks” on your blog does about as much good as paying a skywriter to post your message above a major metropolitan area. Sure, it might potentially be seen by a large group of people, but ultimately who cares. They’ll probably look up at your message and say either, “Huh, yeah, Bush does suck” or “That asshole! Bush doesn’t suck! He’s great!”

So what? What does that accomplish? Certainly a lot less than if you took your sorry ass down to the local campaign office of a presidential candidate and offered to help, or started a letter writing campaign, or basically any-fucking-thing else.

Now, I know that technically I’m writing about Bush right now. But, I don’t plan on doing it very often in the future. Sure, I might get really riled up again soon. But when that time comes, I’m going to seriously consider actually doing something about it instead of posting to my silly little blog.

So, as a parting shot, I offer these lyrics from the Camper Van Beethoven song, Sweethearts. It was originally written about Ronald Reagan but could just as easily be about George W. Bush. Fuck you, George.

Camper Van Beethoven

’cause he’s always living back in dixon
Circa 1949
And we’re all sitting at the fountain, at the five and dime

’cause he’s living in some b-movie
The lines they are so clearly drawn
In black and white life is so easy
And we’re all coming along on this one

’cause he’s on a secret mission
Headquarters just radioed in
He left his baby at the dancehall
While the band plays on some sweet song

And on a mission over china
The lady opens up her arms
The flowers bloom where you haved placed them
And the lady smiles, just like mom

Angels wings are icing over
McDonnell Douglas olive drab
They bear the names of our sweethearts
And the captain smiles, as we crash

’cause in the mind of Ronald Reagan
Wheels they turn and gears they grind
Buildings collapse in slow motion
And trains collide, everything is fine

Everything is fine
Everything is fine

My Car

How come my car’s instrument panel lights up with a cute icon representing the washer fluid and beeps constantly indicating I should refill said fluid while neglecting to tell me that my right brake light is out? This car’s priorities are definitely way out of whack.