Beating a Dead Schiavo

This is fucking ridiculous.

The autopsy results for Terry Schiavo showed that she was in a persistent vegetative state. This should have been good enough to finally silence all of the asshole politicians who slandered Michael Schiavo’s name and weighed in with their unqualified opinions, but apparently not. Now ol’ Jeb wants to investigate what took Michael so long to call 911 15 years ago.

I am so so so sick of this damn case. The only good that came out of it for me was the discussion in our family about living wills. My aunt was especially vocal in her announcements to anyone within earshot that she would not want to be kept alive in that state under any circumstances.

Well, when she had a massive brain aneurysm two weeks ago and was being kept alive by a respirator with no brain activity whatsoever, it was very easy for the family to make a decision about what to do. For that I’m thankful.

Leave Michael Schiavo alone.

I guess they have bears here now

They have been few and far between for the past year plus, but Paul Ford’s writings on Ftrain still have a quiet majesty to them that make me get all excited when his rss feed pings me with an update. This guy could write about the phone book and make me hang on every word.

I’ll have to wait on the phone book essay but am happy to settle for this description of his walk home from dinner.

iPods: They’re for Stealing

I recently had my iPod stolen. Some asshole walked up my driveway (which is very steep and long, by the way) around midnight a few weeks ago, broke my passenger window and stole my iPod. My wife and I were dozing off to sleep, she heard a noise, I looked out our back window and saw the guy run away from my car.

Needless to say I was quite pissed. This iPod was my lifesaver on my 1.5 hour roundtrip commute every day. It made my drive bearable and sometimes even enjoyable. Not to mention the fact that it was a birthday present from my wife—probably my favorite gift from her ever.

I lasted about 5 days before I had to purchase a new iPod. The only silver lining to this story is that the new iPod was $100 cheaper than my previous one and also had improved battery life and a fancy new click wheel.

So, my commute is now back to normal. I had a very enjoyable shuffled music mix this morning on the way in and having the iPod back in my grubby little hands seems to make my stress level somewhat more manageable.

As bold as my iPod thief was, he’s got nothing on this guy who stole 12,000 iPods worth $2.6 million recently in LA. Damn.


The wife and I were watching a show on television last night about oil consumption. The show was a “what if” scenario and was portrayed as if it were a report on something that actually happened. The scenario was that oil scarcity had led to prices that were so high, it brought our economy to a halt. It showed airlines shutting down and people moving out of suburban neighborhoods so they could live closer to the city and depend less on their cars. People were “interviewed” about what had happened to their lives as a result of the oil shortage.

Once we realized what was going on, the wife said, “so this didn’t really happen. That kid being ‘interviewed’ is just lying to us.”

So, that’s another word for an actor: a liar.

We had a good laugh over that one.