Watch out, Bill Graham

Oh yeah, Bill Graham is dead. Regardless, I’d like to announce that I am adding concert promoter to my list of talents.

Yep, that’s right. I booked all of the musical acts for this year’s Grant Park Summer Shade Festival, an event to help the Grant Park Conservancy, which is dedicated to restoring Atlanta’s oldest park. The festival features an artist market, food vendors, a 5k run, a criterium bike race, kid’s center, and two stages of musical entertainment. It takes place this weekend, August 27-28. You should go!

I spent the earlier part of this year putting together the entertainment lineup for this year’s festival. There are two stages: a rock stage and acoustic stage. These stages will feature 31 different acts over the course of the two day festival. I’m quite proud of the quality of the bands—many of my friends are playing and they represent some of the best bands playing around Atlanta these days. Here’s the lineup.

It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. The best part is now that my work is done, I can just sit back and enjoy the music. I’ll also be spending most of the festival at my wife’s jewelry booth. Please come by and say hello.

Everyone’s Waiting

Warning: this post is about the series finale of Six Feet Under. If you don’t want to know what happens, stop reading.

The wife and I gathered around the computer monitor last night to watch our downloaded copy of the series finale of Six Feet Under (we don’t have HBO, so I’ve been downloading each episode using Bittorrent). We have watched this show since the very first episode. It hasn’t been a perfect television series, but it has come pretty damn close over the years and we were excited to see how Alan Ball would tie everything up. Well, I join my wife in proclaiming that Mr. Ball did an amazing job.

This was one of the most rewarding final episodes to a television series I’ve ever seen. It was life affirming, crushingly sad, funny, bittersweet, joyful, inspiring, hopeful and entirely original. It transcended television and became art. Like all good art, it momentarily changes your perception of the world and gives you a richer, fuller view of life around you. Getting ready for work this morning, I was still thinking about the show, still in the haze of its effect. I feel that this show will stay with me for some time.

The wife commented that it was nice to see how all of the characters ended up, and I agree. Seeing how each one of them died was a fitting end to a show about, but not fixated on, death. I can’t explain it, but the final montage scene as Claire is driving to New York felt to me like a very realistic view of a lifetime. The shortness of life, all of the cliched ‘you only live once’ sayings, carpe diem, etc. It really came home to me during that scene. I felt the finality of death stronger than I ever have before. I will die some day. Will it be like Federico, collapsing from a heart attack on a cruise ship? Will I be shot by some random person like Keith? There’s no way to know. The only certainty is that the day I die is rapidly approaching from an unknown distance.

The final scene really gave you a sense of closure too. It was a great way to say goodbye to these characters that were so original and true to life. After watching this episode, there really aren’t any unanswered questions. Unlike the death of a person, where the survivors almost always feel cheated in some way, the death of this series was oddly satisfying. Yes, it was sad, but only in a sense that we won’t be able to watch these characters ever again. Salon‘s Heather Havrilesky sums it up nicely:

But instead of feeling sad over the loss of these characters, the last episode of the show somehow pointed forward, allowing me not only to let go of them, but also to abandon years of conditioning to expect or even require a concrete happy ending, and to simply hope for the best for them — and for myself, somehow.

This series finale elevated a sometimes uneven television show into one of the best television shows ever, in my opinion. It tied everything together so perfectly, that I’m willing to forgive some of the crappier episodes throughout the years. This was a truly inspiring television series that managed to grab you, shake you, and tell you that, as Nate would say, “You only get one life. Don’t fuck it up.”

Thank you, Alan Ball, and everyone else who contributed to this amazing show.

Read more about this episode:

Character Obituaries []
Buried Alive []
An Alan Ball postmortem []
Six Feet Under Finale []
Six Feet Under, 2001-2005 []

Praise Him

Those of you who know me in non binary form, are probably aware that this year has been a pretty hard one for ol’ Tim. The wife and I have had to endure some pretty crappy things, prompting us to half-jokingly believe that the earth entered some weird parallel universe after W was re-elected last year. Would you care to see a list?

  • We’ve both had some scary physical inuries that required way too many visits to the emergency room.
  • Our new house has some major issues that were not fully disclosed to us by the previous owners.
  • Our new house has some major issues that were fully disclosed to us, but still suck (we still love our house, though, it rocks.).
  • Speaking of our new house, the main water line to said house burst back in February, costing us around $3,000 in repairs.
  • My iPod was stolen from my car in my driveway by some punk who broke my car window to get it.
  • Remember the emergency rooms mentioned earlier? Well, one of them (Atlanta Medical Center), tried to charge us $100 because my wife walked in with a bleeding finger, was told that there would be a long wait and decided to find treatment elsewhere. I ended up getting us out of paying, but not before I had to jump through all kinds of red tape and “let me talk to your supervisor” type stuff for months. Their incompetence was truly awe inspiring.
  • Some stupid/lame h4x0rs gained access to the web server that hosts themuy and a buttload of my freelance sites, causing a bunch of administrative hassle for me and my partner.
  • My wife has had a lot of dental work done this year and, guess what, our dental insurance SUCKS.
  • My 14 year old second cousin died in a freak accident.
  • My aunt died suddenly a week and one day after my cousin (causing my first cousin to lose her son and mom in 8 days time and me to lose my favorite aunt).
  • Much to my chagrin, George Bush is still president.
  • There are more to list, but from here on down the individual items aren’t that bad, they just form a critical mass of suckiness.

It is in trying times like these that you have to look outside of yourself and surrender to a higher power. Man was just not equipped to handle everything this world can throw at him. So, after searching for all of these years, I think I have found a god I can believe in. One who will carry me when I am weak and walk (or float) beside me when I’m strong.

I am officially announcing my conversion to Pastafarianism. Bobby Henderson has shown me the way. He is the prophet and Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only true god.

And to that, I say, Ramen.

Jury Duty in the ATL

So, I had jury duty this past Monday. For the most part, it was uneventful. I had to be there at 8:15am with about 200 other people. After I checked in, I retired to a surprisingly comfortable chair and alternated between playing poker on my cell phone and reading my poker book (yes, I’ve turned into a poker geek). When I wasn’t doing that, I was people watching. As you can imagine, it was a pretty diverse group. The common thread we all had was our annoyance at having to be there for jury duty.

As I was scanning around the room, I noticed this older woman across the aisle from me. Her profile looked a lot like Jane Fonda. I was thinking about how much she looked like Jane when she turned her head toward me. It was Jane Fonda! I know what you’re thinking, but I’m crapping you negative here. I am 99.9% sure it was her.

I was thinking that surely Jane could get out of jury duty, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. She’s a very down to earth person, of course she’s politically active and so I imagine she would perform her civic duty when asked.

This is actually my second Jane sighting in Atlanta. The other time was at Grant Central Pizza next to Grant Park. She was sitting in a booth with her daughter and grandchild sipping on a Guinness draft. I thought that was pretty cool.

The other weird thing about all of this is the fact that my mom looks a LOT like Jane Fonda. When I was growing up, she would often be stopped in grocery stores by hysterical moms wanting an autograph. This was back when Jane was immensely popular due to her workout videos.

So, anyway, I saw Jane Fonda at jury duty. By the way, we both got dismissed without having to serve on a trial.