Man, I’ve Been Busy

Sorry for the lack of real writing recently on themuy. This month has been c-r-a-z-y (in a good way). So much has happened recently and the wife and I are slammed busy. I don’t have much time to write today, so I’ll just let you in on something I’ve been planning for the past few months.

Jeff Holt (Silent Kids, Georgia Fireflies) and I are putting together a charity event at the EARL this Saturday, Dec. 17th. It’s called The Happenstance. We’re inviting 30 musicians down to the EARL where they will be randomly distributed into 6 different bands and then sent off to a practice space for the day where they will write a 20 minute set of music. All of the bands will then converge on the EARL that night to perform. All proceeds are going to The New Orleans Musicians Hurricane Relief Fund.

We have people signed up from the following Atlanta bands: Luigi, The Roy Owens Jr., Day Mars Ray, Hot Young Priest, Brain Box, Jupiter Watts, Tag Team, Charm School, Long Knives, Jetty, The Licentious 5, The Liverhearts, Sudden Rays, Sunday Drive Bye, The Forty Fives, Parade, The Yum Yum Tree, Soft Collision, Silent Kids, Legend of the Giant Squid and more.

Jeff and I did this last year and it was a huge success. Both the audience and musicians involved had a blast. If you’re in town this weekend, I urge you to come by and cheer the bands on. It’s going to be a good time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m going to start a new tradition here at the muy: belated holiday greetings. So, with that, I hope that you and yours have an excellent Thanksgiving holiday. So, go ahead and visit with family and friends, watch sporting events, drink copious amounts of alcohol—whatever floats your boat. Just make sure you do it 5 days ago.

Q: What am I thankful for?
A: You.

Happy Thanksgiving!