My cell phone provider, Verizon, recently upgraded their voice mail system. I’m not quite sure what they did on the back end, but one thing I’ve noticed is their new prompt system when you call in to check your messages. This is what the automated voice tells you when you call in to check your voice mail:
You have 2 unheard messages.
The following messages have not been heard.
First unheard message…
Why do you need to tell me the messages are unheard? Isn’t that a given? I dialed this number because my phone says I have new messages. I want to listen to them! Just give me my messages!!!!
Hey, Verizon, I’ve got an idea about how to make this exchange a tad more efficient. Here’s my proposal:
You have 2 messages.
First message…
what if you saved some messages — meaning you had heard and unheard messages? how would you know whetehr it was the first unheard message v. the first heard message? huh? did, you ever think of that, smartass?