I just want you to know that even though he is not a super hero, Matt Haughey wears tights. Read this post on his blog and marvel at his sly mention of said fact.
Pretty sneaky, Matt. Never underestimate the power of the blogosphere in uncovering dirty little secrets. I’m going to bring you down*!
* I’m not going to bring you down.
Well, they’re not tights in the sense of superhero leotard, but they’re not exactly sweatpants. They’re pretty close to these, but saying “I run in pants” sounds weird (tights also sounds weird but it’s normal with runners)
Fair enough, Matt. Actually, it’s time for me to come clean. I have worn running tights. There, I said it. It was a long time ago in high school when I ran cross country.
Whew, that feels better. I’ve been bottling this up for a long time and it feels good to let it out. Thanks for helping me work through these issues, Matt. Is there anything a blog can’t do? I think not.