This is way off-topic to at least this post, I know, but do you know if the Magnapop Dutch-tour which was announced for September is still gonna happen. At least one date is cancelled and I can’t find any information elsewhere.
This is way off-topic to at least this post, I know, but do you know if the Magnapop Dutch-tour which was announced for September is still gonna happen. At least one date is cancelled and I can’t find any information elsewhere.
This is way off-topic to at least this post, I know, but do you know if the Magnapop Dutch-tour which was announced for September is still gonna happen. At least one date is cancelled and I can’t find any information elsewhere.
This is way off-topic to at least this post, I know, but do you know if the Magnapop Dutch-tour which was announced for September is still gonna happen. At least one date is cancelled and I can’t find any information elsewhere.