Ever since I wrote the Froogle script, I’ve been wondering. Why did I write the Froogle script?
Well, first off, I did it as an exercise in writing PHP functions. And I’m a big fat geek. Other than that, I guess it’s occasionally kinda funny to see what people are looking to buy on the internet.
Today, I realized a fun game to play with the Froogle script. Take, for example, the items that came up right now as I loaded themuy’s home page:
- huggies diapers
- nose hair clipper
- freezers
- fight club dvd
- febreze
And now, imagine if someone went into a store and those are the items on his/her shopping list. According to this person’s list, it’s going to be a fun night.
Pretty funny, huh?
Okay, I gotta go outside and get some fresh air. I’m obviously losing my mind.