does anyone else feel like

does anyone else feel like they have stepped into an alternative universe when someone says that since GW didn’t make himself look like an ass on national tv, it means that he should win a fabulous prize or something?

and if i hear one more person say that GW seems to have a better grasp of the issues than Gore, I might go on a shooting spree. it reminds me of that saturday night live skit where Jon Lovits is playing Dukakis and he turns to the camera and says, “I can’t believe that I’m losing to this guy.” (high 5 to berto for that one)

let me state this as clearly as i can:

If Bush is elected it is highly possible that Roe vs. Wade will be overturned. There are 3 supreme court justices that will be replaced in the upcoming presidential term. Bush will replace them with pro lifers if he is elected. End of story.

“We, the undersigned, hereby state

“We, the undersigned, hereby state that each of us is the child whose heart was turned dark by time on the Internet, as mentioned by the Governor during the second Presidential debate.

Further, we hereby declare the Governor to be a big smirky doofus.”

Go here and make your voice heard, you dark hearted internet people:

E-The People : America : Petition : The Dark-Hearted Child

“I remember that look of

“I remember that look of the officer as he was dragging John Lennon’s body to the back of his patrol car. How he looked at me and cursed me. I never knew what those curse words were but I could see them on his lips. He was very, very angry and upset. A detective came in and he said ‘Mark, I want you to come up and maybe answer a few questions for us. This isn’t like the movies, Mark. Nobody’s going to rough you up.’ That was a very surreal, unreal existence then an utter panic and feeling of just sheer terror and wanting things to go back to the way they were before I had pulled the trigger.”

–Mark David Chapman

There is justice in the world after all: Lennon Killer Denied Parole

Does anyone remember the redneck

Does anyone remember the redneck yell, “aoooooooggaaaaa!”? It is performed with a falsetto, kinda like the generic yell given in large crowds or stock car races. Well, I just realized that I don’t hear that much anymore, or maybe it is because I am not often in places where a lot of rednecks congregate. Maybe I should get out more. At any rate, if you know what the hell I am talking about, please let tim and I know by means of the muy’s message board. Aoooooogggaaaaa!!